Imprint details in accordance with German § 5 Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz (DDG) and the Statutory Instrument on duties to inform recipients of services (DL-InfoV):
Name and address of the firm:
Herzog IP Patentanwalts GmbH
Steinstrasse 16 – 18
40212 Düsseldorf
T +49 211 416 680 200
F +49 211 416 680 222
E info@herzog-ip.com
Herzog IP Patentanwalts GmbH has its registered office in Düsseldorf and a branch office in Munich.
Legal form:
Limited liability company (GmbH)
Register Court:
Local Court of Düsseldorf HRB 86759
Board of directors:
Patentanwalt Dr. Martin Herzog
Relevant professional associations:
Our patent attorneys are admitted in Germany and are members of the
German Patent Bar Association
Tal 29
80331 Munich
T +49 89 242 278 0
Our European Patent Attorneys are registered at the European Patent Office and are members of the
Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO (epi)
Bayerstrasse 83
80335 Munich
T +49 89 242 052 0
If an attorney has an additional qualification from another country, he or she will not advise on the law of that country.
Professional regulations:
German patent attorneys are subject to the professional rules set forth in the Patentanwaltsordnung (German Patent Attorney Code), the Berufsordnung der Patentanwalts (Code of Conduct for German Patent Attorneys) and the FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle) Rules of Professional Conduct.
European patent attorneys are subject to the rules and regulations of the epi which can be found on the epi website of the German Chamber of Patent Attorneys under the heading “About the epi”.
Professional liability insurance:
Markel Insurance SE, Sophienstraße 26, 80333 München, with no territorial restrictions.
Dispute settlement procedures:
The European ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) platform established under EU Regulation No. 524/2013 may be accessed via the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Herzog IP Patentanwalts GmbH does not participate in dispute settlement procedures under the ADR Directive and the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) before a consumer conciliation body.
Editing (responsible), concept and design, picture credits:
Dr. Martin Herzog
Technical implementation: Die Goldkinder GmbH (Berlin)
Implementation of the layout: Die Goldkinder GmbH (Berlin)
Picture credentials: Pictures used in this home page © iStockphoto LP by Getty Images; photographs of employees of the firm Achim Hehn, Teichstr. 16b, 50827 Cologne, Germany
Liability note
Notwithstanding diligent and careful control as to the contents we assume no liability for the contents of external links. For the contents of the linked pages the respective providers will exclusively be responsible.
Consumer dispute resolution
Herzog IP Patentanwalts GmbH does not take part in dispute resolution before consumer dispute resolution bodies.
Online dispute resolution platform
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution that can be found under http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.